Other Pests Direct Pests Fruit flies Apple maggot Spotted wing drosophila Walnut husk fly Western cherry fruit fly Leafrollers Pandemis, obliquebanded, fruittree, and European leafrollers Psylla and Mealybugs Pear psylla Apple mealybug Grape mealybug Sawflies Sawflies in general California pear sawfly Dock sawfly Pear slug Tortricid moths Codling moth Eyespotted budmoth Lesser appleworm Oriental fruit moth Other moths Fruitworms, armyworms and climbing cutworms Lacanobia subjuncta Peach twig borer True bugs Campylomma Lygus bugs Stink bugs Brown marmorated stink bug Western boxelder bug Other direct pests Earwig Mormon cricket Western flower thrips Indirect Pests Borers (beetles) Pacific flatheaded borer Shothole borer, Ambrosia beetle Borers (moths) Cherry bark tortrix Carpenterworm Peachtree borer Other moths Apple ermine moth Fall webworm Redhumped caterpillar Tent caterpillar Yellownecked caterpillar Leafhoppers Rose leafhopper White apple leafhopper Leafminers Western tentiform leafminer Mites In general Eriophyid (rust) mites Apple rust mite Eriophyes inaequalis Pear rust mite Pearleaf and appleleaf blister mite Prunus rust mites Tetranychid (spider) mites Brown mite European red mite McDaniel spider mite Twospotted spider mite Yellow spider mite Pome fruit aphids Apple aphid and spirea aphid Apple grain aphid Rosy apple aphid Woolly apple aphid Root-feeding grubs California prionus Rain beetles Tenlined June beetle Scales European fruit lecanium Oystershell scale San Jose scale Stone fruit aphids Black cherry aphid Green peach aphid Hop aphid, leafcurl plum aphid, mealyplum aphid, rusty plum aphid, and thistle aphid Other indirect pests Apple leafcurling midge Pear leafcurling midge Grasshoppers Weevils